Monday, May 20, 2019

The medical and hygienic benefits of flossing

A lot of people think that brushing their teeth is enough to keep their teeth and gums healthy. While this is a good start, people should really go further when it comes to oral hygiene. Flossing isn’t a particularly popular regimen when it comes to cleaning the teeth and gums partly because people have difficulties in flossing properly which is why they don’t even bother. But according to Dr. Kami Hoss, flossing can bring forth many medical and hygienic benefits. Here are just some of those benefits.

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Prevents the accumulation of plaque: Tartar can accumulate between the teeth without you knowing. Not every bathroom has a magnifying mirror nor does everyone check the crevices between their teeth carefully. Daily flossing allows you to remove plaque and prevent tartar from ever forming in our gum line.

Prevents foul breath: Bad breath is often caused when food particles remain in the teeth or gums. Bacteria in the food particles break down and produces an unpleasant smell. This usually occurs when you aren’t thorough with oral hygiene before you go to sleep. Flossing allows you to remove food particles in hard to reach areas, preventing bad breath from occurring.

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Lowers risks of gum disease: When plaque is left unattended for extended periods, it’s possible for you to get gum disease. According to Dr. Kami Hoss, gum disease occurs when the gums get inflamed or get an infection. An example of gum disease is periodontal disease in which the plaque slowly eats away at the soft gum tissues. In later stages, extreme decay can even cause root canal problems.

Kami Hoss MS, DDS, is the CEO of The Super Dentists, the largest pediatric dentistry and orthodontic practice in San Diego. He is also the chief executive officer of Acceledontics and Howard Healthcare Academy. To know more about Dr. Hoss, visit this website.

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